Published on 6 July 2024 at 00:08
Canva Copywrite Policy

It is good to know - Copyright ownership of designs created in Canva

Canva Help Center Find answers to common questions about COPYRIGHT OWNERSHIP of designs made on Canva as outlined in our Content License Agreement. Interested in trademarking a logo you created? Explore information on trademarks and logos. Who possesses the copyright in a design crafted in Canva? The ownership depends on its composition. In general, if you are the creator of an original design, you are also the copyright holder.

However, if you utilized third-party content (such as STOCK CONTENT from the Canva library) in your design, your ownership is subject to the rights of those third parties. Canva grants you non-exclusive licenses to utilize stock content in your designs (including photos, graphics, videos, fonts, and music) for various approved purposes. This includes the option to sell certain design types containing content. Learn more about utilizing Canva for creating digital and physical products for sale.

The print-on-demand service I am using to produce my t-shirt designs mandates that I confirm my ownership of the copyright for my design. Can I comply with this requirement? Certain third-party print services may necessitate your agreement that you possess the copyright to any design you upload to their platform. If this is the case, you cannot use Canva content in those designs because you do not own the copyright to that content - you solely have a license for it.

If the print service only requires you to confirm that you have the right to use your design containing Canva content, then the print service is acceptable for use as long as you adhere to our license terms (e.g. refraining from attempting to sell content on a standalone basis). It is your responsibility to review the terms of third-party websites as Canva cannot provide guidance on this matter. Do I retain ownership of images generated using AI?

You, in conjunction with Canva, to the extent permitted by law, own the images you generate with Magic Media, DALL·E, and Imagen by Google Cloud. However, whether this content is eligible for copyright protection will hinge on the laws of your local jurisdiction. Presently, numerous jurisdictions (including the US) do not grant copyright protection to AI-generated works. This stance applies to generative AI overall and is not specific to Canva or Magic Studio.

Therefore, you can still utilize your AI-generated works, although you may face limitations in preventing others from using or reproducing these works. If you have any inquiries regarding how this might impact your intended use, we suggest seeking legal advice locally.


This has been rewritten however the original policy can be found on Canva's website here:

#canva #copywritepolicy #policies #canvadesigns

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